I guess I never really explained my classes and how school works.
Basically there are like 60+ students in the entire program, and we all took placement tests to determine our level in French and math. They are 2 levels of French I and II. Level I is for the meilleur éleves and they study a lot more Literature and work less on learning grammar. Level II, were I am, is dedicated to expanding our vocabulary and speaking skills. Level II still takes Litt. but not as often as level I.
So, the school day is created for each individual student and group. Each level is divided evenly into groups--IA, IB and IIA, IIB--for scheduling purposes. I'm IIA, so all of my classes are with the rest of the people in IIA. Except for math, math gets mixed up according to math skill. I'm in pre-calcI and there is a pre-calcII and a pre-calchonours as well as ABCalc and BCCalc.
Classes are:
CESF(culture et société Françaises-Taught in French)- which is us just learning everything we need to know about France and it's culture..... the prof is hilarious.
Histoire(Taught in FRench- French history... I'm really surprised by how much I love this class, our prof is crazy.
Histoire de l'art(French)- Art and architecture... I love this class the prof is so funny!!
Litterature(French)- French literature
English(English)- Is just a basic English class.... the prof is so smart and crazy, I really enjoy this class
Langue(French)- grammar class..... I love speaking French
TPL(French)- it's a pronunciation class, each group has it once a week
Math(English)- I love our teacher, she is so young and smart and she's super fun
C'est tout! Je vais faire mes devoirs!
PS below is me reciting my first essay in French. We were supposed to do it in class, but they prof only chose certain people to recite. I worked really hard on it, so I wanted to share it with you! Excuse my pronunciation... I was reading too fast.
OMG! That is awesome!! (What is written on the palm of your hand?)