It was a long day of travel, but I finally made it!!
Words cannot explain how amazing of an experience it has been so far, and I've only been here about a day!
When we arrived to Rennes around 19:00, our host families were waiting for us. I had no idea what my family looked like because they never sent a picture, one of my new found friends came up to me and was like "Magnolia, I found your host family! It the woman with the green hair." I looked up and sure enough, I see a tall slim woman hovering over the crowd wearing a blue fuzzy jacket (It's REALLY cold here, unlike the 80 degree weather I left back in DC) and a blue dress. Her hair is mostly black, but she has green bangs, and she is the nicest woman I have ever
met. She saw me and was like "MAGGIE" and we kissed the French way. My host dad was behind her and he is so funny. He grabbed my bags and they showed me the bus route, and then we left for the house.
The house is so cute! It's small, but roomy. They showed me my room and left me to unpack and shower while they prepared dinner. I unpacked and took a shower in my very own bathroom! And I unpacked in my small, but beautiful room. It's so cute and as I'm writing this, I'm sitting on my French bed with the French windows open listening to (British, but still European) Adele, and watching the French trees sway in the French breeze. IT IS SO AWESOME!
Anyways, I went downstairs and there was a table set with a of slice cantaloupe, I don't know if you know but French cantaloupe is the most delicious thing you'll ever taste. But we were sitting at the table and my family was talking to me, and I was so proud of myself because I could understand them! The problem was I couldn't talk back... but I still understood!! It was around the time that my host dad went and got the main course, a yummy roast beef thing, that it hit me. I'm in France, but not on vacation, to study for a year. It might've been a little awkward with my host family now, but within a month or two, I'll be able to talk back and we will be really close and I'll feel more comfortable doing things around the house! And all my peers will be really good friends. It's amazing. I can't wait for that time to come, but I don't want it to come too fast. I'm not looking forward to the end of this year. I can't imagine going back. I love it here so much.
As for the picture, my best friend Taylor told me to post what I wore everyday for the first month so she could see! This one is for you Taylor!! I LOVE YOU!!!!
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