Sunday, September 24, 2017

My nightmares-dream analysts welcome!

I've always had very vivid dreams. It's one thing I really appreciate about my mind-not only do I dream vividly, but I can generally recall the dream when I wake up. 

The only downside to vivid dreams is vivid nightmares. I haven't had a nightmare in awhile, but the last two nights I've had some pretty intense nightmares. All of them, as far as I can recall, took place either in my childhood home or in the town. Here is what I remember from one the of the first night's dreams:

I'm upstairs with some of my childhood friends, I go out into the hall (maybe someone was calling me) I go into the guest bedroom where there is a man and a woman. They ask me if I want to see some filming of Wallace and Gromit (great claymation movies, BTW). They seem like decent people so I walk towards the open door, unable to see what is in the closet until I turn the corner. Before stepping closer to them though I get paranoid-something doesn't feel right, but I proceed anyway. Things get a little fuzzy here, I think they grab me and I try to calmly tell them I don't want to be apart of this game. Fast forward and I'm running down the hall towards the backstairs with a zombie pursuing me. I run down the backstairs into the kitchen and am faced with a giant brown bear (and another deadly thing that I can't remember). They were moving pretty slowly, but I still had to choose which side to attack as there was no escape. I decide it'll be easier to take on one zombie rather than two other things. So I turn towards the zombie (conjured) knife in hand and take a slow stab to his skull. Fast forward and I am confronted with the couple again. I ask them what happens if I get caught by these nightmares and they say I'll be stuck here forever, and what if I kill them? The girl responds that they'd be stuck (I don't exactly remember what she says, but the main gist is if they died it wouldn't be good for them). The guy starts explaining something to me while a conjured polar bear (my next predator) is lying on a yellow loveseat as if paused in a game. The man turns away during his monologue, and in hopes of killing it before it comes to life, I stab the polar bear. The man turns around and notices the marks on the bear and laughs saying it doesn't count until the bear is alive. I then notice a set up game of Settlers of Catan on the table and implore the couple to play a game of that before we proceed. The girl gets enthusiastic saying Settlers is the best game ever and I gently wake up right after exclaiming "I know, right?". 

The next segment I remember:

My parents and I are at a lumber yard, they are driving a blue Subaru (not their normal car) and we come across another couple and for some reason it is decided that my dad and I will ride in the car with the husband and my mom and the wife will ride together. Anyways, as we're exiting the yard there is what seems to be a rogue piece of equipment driving around and I watch as my mom's car hits some loose lumber and rolls down the cliff onto the road we are on. I immediately fly out of the car to my mom's window-she is fine (thank God! ...or my subconscious), but she's stuck upside down by her seatbelt. I crawl into the car to hug her all the while thinking of the piece of equipment that could roll down on top of both of us. -then I wake up.-

Onto the next night:

I'm on the school bus riding home and out the window all I can see are dead headless people. There's hundreds of them. Headless bodies lying all over the place and monty-pythonesque wooden carts piled with dead headless bodies. I'm scared. The person cutting off these people's heads is after me. Fast forward, I'm in my childhood room. There's leaves and acorns all over my floor despite the windows being closed. It's dusk-the lighting very eerie, the air quite chilly. I realise the light is on and I immediately turn it off panicked. Apparently the house hasn't been occupied for awhile and I don't want anyone to know of my presence. I'm petrified to the bone, but I slowly crawl to the window to see if anyone noticed the light on. I look out and there is a suave man across the street leaning against his motorcycle with sunglasses on (and maybe a cig in his mouth). He's not looking up at the window which reassured me, but he was observing the house making me tremble in fear knowing he's seen the window. I quickly duck down to catch my breath. I look up again and see the red lights of the rear of his motorcycle as he drives away. ---There is more that I don't remember and I don't remember the moment that I wake up either... but this dream really creeped me out while the other ones really scared me. 

And that's all I remember. If anyone has any insights in dreams, I'd love your input. I'm having trouble analyzing them. I have a nightmare from my childhood that involves a glass house and a giant bear, so bears seem to be a theme. 

I hope I have a pleasant dream tonight, I'm a little nervous to go to sleep... 

Good night! 

Momento mori

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