Sunday, September 10, 2017

Momento Mori

Here I am. Telling myself I'll have the discipline to keep a daily blog. I don't know why it has always been so daunting for me to write everyday.. It's as if the second I make it a requirement my mind refuses to do it even if it is my idea!

I've always had this mentality, just ask my parents. I won't do anything I have to do, I only do what I want which, I believe, has helped me understand what makes me happy and what doesn't, but it has also affected my studies and my professional life.

I enjoy writing. Everyday I think of at least three new things to write about and yet, I never do. Maybe now that I am entering my graduate program in conflict resolution and mediation, I'll have a little more discipline.

For those of you that don't know, I have moved to Tel-Aviv, Israel to pursue my masters at Tel-Aviv University. I've decided on Conflict Resolution, mostly because I am angry at the state of the world and I would like to learn the vocabulary and the skills to help it.

Although my ultimate dream has been, and always will be, to go to space, I already feel guilty leaving the United States with the tension that has bubbled up, I can't even imagine my emotional state leaving my own planet. I hope that the lessons I learn and the experiences I gain during this next year will help me to join the fight for peace. Plus, one does not simply go to space...

Space... that's what we need to be studying and discussing. We're all humans in this vast unknown. We need to study our world and our surroundings rather than fighting each other.

Momento mori- remember you will die. I carry this phrase with me whenever I feel aggression or misunderstanding towards my surroundings or someone. We're all temporary and even if you consider that thought morbid or uncomfortable, everyone needs to remember that.  I hope to never negatively affect someone when I have control over it. Momento mori, so make your life good and spread goodness.

We are just visiting. Our time in this time is limited, so why are we killing each other and our planet? Why aren't we exploring?

Exploration--of the sea, of the Earth, of the Universe! That's what we need to focus on.

Imagine during the Cold War, instead of the Soviet Union and the United States racing each other to space and the moon, they sat down and worked together. What would space travel be like today if political tensions didn't exist? Put all the world's math and science nerds in a lab together and see what magic happens.

Peace through exploration. Peace through understanding what is out there beyond our atmosphere. Peace through curiosity.

Let's work together.

Momento mori.

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Alpine Calamity

Preface: I found this in an email. I wrote this for an English course in high school. I don't remember the prompt. It is the story of ...