Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rainy Paris

So I think I'm finally over the cursed jetlag! It's another beautifully cloudy day in Paris and I'm certain it's going to rain. However, I was certain of that yesterday and it didn't rain at all!

I'm meeting a friend today from my school year abroad in Rennes, France! She's been studying abroad in Paris since January. I'm so jealous. I'm excited to reconnect with her!

I had drinks last night with a French friend and I was actually pretty impressed with my French skills. I understood basically everything that was said to me. I could carry on a conversation! Obviously a couple of beers helps relax the tongue and the brain and foreign languages become a little easier :)

We went to this really cool Alice and Wonderlandesque bar! It was right on a canal of the Seine up north! It was beautiful! You can see the top of the Eiffel Tower from the window there! I'm in Paris!!!!

I also walked around my area a lot yesterday! I ate some spaghetti at a cafe and read my book! I went to a beautiful church and managed to find my way back to my house without any help! So far so good!

Today is day 3 in Paris and I'm not meeting my friend until later tonight so I'm trying to decide what I want to do! I think I may go to the Louvre just because it is indoors and the clouds are threatening to sprinkle. Plus, I haven't been down town yet. I'm not even sure if that's considered downtown, but it's the tourist popular spot and all the main attractions are down by the seine. So I dub it down town Paris!

I also need to go get some real food to cook in my house! I don't want to spend too much money on restaurants here. It's very expensive! I want to be able to go places on the weekends and I'll need all my moneyz! Plus souvenir shopping is important :)

Well I'm going to actually get up and get ready for the day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Je suis arrivée!

I did it!

I made it to Paris! I've got a tiny speckle of a view of Sacré Coeur outside my window!

I'll post pictures when I actually go out.

Today I basically traversed the entire northern side of Paris trying to find my apt. For some reason I was too stubborn to just get a taxi, but I did it!! I made it and broke a wheel on my luggage in the process!

My apartment is adorable. I'm on the top floor and I have a petit balcony outside my window! A miniscule kitchen and a full bathroom! It's perfect for me!

It's a spiral staircase to get up here and going down it makes me dizzy because it's so tight a spiral. I love it!

It's the perfect Paris apartment.

All I did was go to the store to get some snacks cause we all know I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night wide awake and hungry because jet lag is a bitch. So I'm prepared!

I haven't gotten flowers yet to spruce up the place because I was way too tired to look at pretty things and have to choose between anything. But I did unpack! So that's an accomplishment.

I've just been trying to stay awake by reading and watching Netflix. But now it's 10pm and I couldn't try to sleep even if I wanted to! This is going to be a fun couple of days.

The weather in Paris over the next week is supposed to be super rainy and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one.

It's good because I'll have an excuse to just sit around and not wear myself out trying to understand the city on a half tank of energy. It's bad because I have an excuse to stay in and not try to understand this city and just kick jet lag in the butt!

Thunderstorms on the forecast tomorrow! I hope they're some good ones! Asheville doesn't really get good thunderstorms because the storm clouds can't make it passed the mountains!

Ain't no mountains around Pairs Mr. and Mrs. Clouds!! Bring it on!

The plan for this week is to get to know my area! And hopefully make friends, but that probably won't happen until I actually start classes next Monday.

I don't really know what to expect over the next two months. The world hasn't exactly been at rest for the past few months and Paris especially has had some intense situations. Between the flooding and the constant manifestations and the threats against the Euro Cup happening here soon.. it's kind of a strange time to be here.

I'm not worried or scared. I'm more sad that we can't all just get the fuck over whatever is the problem and just talk it out like proper human beings.

But whatever.. I'm not here to go on social and political rants. I'm here to learn French!

So there ya have it! Nothing special to report today!

Monday, June 13, 2016

A rare post of the Whereabouts of Magnolia--Paris 2016


So I realise that every time I get on a plane to go somewhere I promise to actually keep up with a blog.

This time I actually want to do it. Maybe not a daily one. Maybe a daily one. Who knows? We'll see what inspiration hits when I arrive in Paris.

Everyone! It's finally happening. I'm spending the summer in Paris!!!

For those of you who are unaware, I have been obsessed with Paris since infancy. I know it's super cliché, but Paris has always held a special place in my heart of hearts. I have always loved Paris from a distance, but now I get to actually live in Paris.

I get to experience Paris as more than just an adoring tourist. I'll get to have a small taste of what it's like to be a Parisienne. I know 2 months really isn't that long in the scheme of things, but I've lived places for 4 weeks and understood a little about what it's like to actually live there.

Paris Summer 2016-------Here I come!!!!

The Real Thing:

So yesterday, Sunday June 12, I prepared the final steps of traveling. The locating of the passport. The addition of my toothbrush to my luggage. Going through my luggage and deciding if I'm actually going to wear any of what I packed. Unpacking the things I know will never leave the closet. Making a mental note that I should probably just get rid of that article of clothing. Double checking that my passport is in my bag. Stubbing my toe on my heavy luggage. Hugging my toe at the top of the stairs cursing the genetic makeup of pinky toes. Taking my luggage downstairs. Putting luggage in the car. Triple checking passport before departing my house.

Arrive at the airport. Everything runs smoothly until I get on the plane and we begin the initial takeoff of taxing to the runway only to be stuck on the runway for 2 hours before actually taking off.

Missing my flight to Paris.

Waiting in line for 3 hours to get a new-new ticket because United replaced my flight with a flight to San Fransisco.

Can we talk about that for a minute?! Why in the world would I fly in the opposite direction of my destination?! It takes just as long to get to San Fran as it does Paris and the flight from San Fran to Paris is 11 hours!

We all know that wasn't about to happen so I waited in line to get the next evening flight which was the next day so I had to find a hotel. All the while my poor pinky toe was throbbing.

Now I am sitting at the hotel waiting for 5:30pm to roll around. Pinky toe is all better!

But by golly! I'm going to Paris and nothing can stop me!

And I finally finished all 9 seasons of The Office! That's the real accomplishment, y'all!!

Alright.. that's my brief update on the whereabouts of Magnolia.

If anyone is actually reading this (Mom, Dad, you don't count), I'll update you when I put feet on French ground!

Alpine Calamity

Preface: I found this in an email. I wrote this for an English course in high school. I don't remember the prompt. It is the story of ...